Unholtz Dickie Corp
Call Us! (203) 265-3929


Use the form below to contact Unholtz-Dickie Corporation to request specific product information or a call from one of our applications engineers.

  • World Headquarters:

    6 Brookside Drive
    Wallingford, CT 06492
    Phone: (203) 265-3929
    Fax: (203) 265-2690
    Email: info@udco.com 
  • U.S. West Coast:

    Phone: (310) 316-0275
    Fax: (310) 347-4120
  • Europe (Zuzenhausen, Germany):

    Phone: +49 6226 788 8450
  • China (Beijing):

    Phone: +86 10 6462 8272

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Email *

Please select the products you are interested in: (Select all that apply.)

Shaker Systems

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