Apex Series Calibration Kit
The APEX Series Calibration Kit provides calibration personnel the ability to re-certify the calibration of the APEX SL or APEX PRO control systems in-house. A simple Windows based program and an RS232 digital interface to a Keithley multi-meter, goes through system checks and verifications, and provides a detailed printed report of pass/fail, actual and expected values, and tolerances for each parameter checked.
A Certification of Calibration is automatically generated for NIST traceability. The Calibration Kit option is very cost effective and is offered in two configurations:
- Calibration Kit (including meter), which includes the software, Keithley DMM6500 multi-meter, and all necessary interface and interconnecting cabling.
- Calibration Kit (customer supplied meter), which includes the software, and all necessary interface and interconnecting cabling. The customer supplied Keithley DMM6500 multi-meter requires optional Keithley KTTI-RS232 interface. The Keithely 2000 with an RS232 I/O port or the HP/Agilent/Keysight 34401A DMM may also be used (consult UD).